Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New year, new beginnings.

A few days ago, I received a box in the mail from my best friend from college. It was a bottle of champagne and a lovely note asking if I would be one of her bridesmaids. 

I of course said yes. 

I am so happy to be able to celebrate with them on their big day and be a part of it. It was then I decided I needed to get serious about my health and size. Last year I blogged a bit about the Advocare challenge and what not but I didn't stay faithful with the losses I experienced and I gained back 15 pounds!  2013 was a very rough year for me and I don't expect 2014 to be a repeat. I'm actively making changes. 

I realized I haven't been happy in a while and for some reason I got on the Deutsche Welle app on my phone yesterday and a show about happiness was on. It was discussing how people dwell on the bad/negative and don't realize that there are happy moments all throughout the day. So it suggested keeping a happiness journal to jot down all the good things throughout the day. I plan on doing something similar just so I can hone in on the good and not the bad. 

It really struck home with me because lately I've just been focusing on what aggravates me or what annoys me and not what makes me happy during the day. Everything has been a drag lately so I'm working on fixing it up. I spend at least 8 hours a day with my gears all knotted up because I'm agitated with stuff--may it be work, coworkers, traffic, etc. I spend a lot of time mad and irritated. I need to let go and get over it and that's what I'm working on. 

I am also working on ways to earn more money, so I am less stressed this year. All this past year I've been wondering how on earth am I going to move forward with my life when I just keep piling on debt. So I am working on a solution for that as well. I need 2014 to be about new beginnings. 

My ultimate goal is to lose 50 pounds by September. I will be back near my  freshman college weight. It's so hard to believe that I've gained that much weight during college and post college. I want to be able to go up 4 flights of stairs without getting winded. I want to beat my previous 5k times. I want to be able to carry my groceries up 3 flights of stairs without huffing and puffing. (It's a struggle.)  

So far today I have completed Day 1, Week 1 of the 30 Day Shred. I also have completed day 1 of a 30 day ab and squat challenge. I'm already sore and I don't know if I will be able to take this sports bra off on my own without having to cut it. This sucker has my boobs locked in and fully loaded. It's so right it hurts but it's one of the few I have so I'm dealing with it. 

I also want to fall in love sometime. I've been alone so long, I don't remember what it's like. 

So many things I want I happen and so little time. Just kidding there is plent of time. 

I will try to keep this updated. I may upload progress pictures if I can figure it out from my phone. Good luck to everyone starting a new healthy lifestyle. And also congrats to all who are continuing on their journeys. 

This was the note and champagne I received. How cute! Best way to ask ever! 

This would be my face after completing day 1 of the 30 Day Shred and all the other exercises I did today. I am TIRED! 

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