Sunday, January 26, 2014

Food stuffs

I love to cook and I also love to eat. (Obvi) so lately I've been trying out new recipes and I want to share some

I meal plan, which means I make a menu for the week or two and I make all my food in 1 day & freeze it. So basically I have healthy "TV dinners" everyday.  Some tips I have for this is buy the same size Tupperware (shallowish squared) so you can stack several in the freezer so it doesn't take up so much space. Buy stuff on sale and use coupons. Last week I got 5 packages of ground turkey, normally $6/each for $3.99 so I stocked up and bought as many as they allowed. 

First up is my new favorite snack dip

Jalapeño Ranch

I liked her recipe but I changed mine up a bit. I doubled the sour cream and ranch packets but kept the cilantro and jalapeños the same. I LOVE this dip. I use the light sour cream. 

That stuff is so damn good. It's hard to stop eating it. 

Next up is carrot fries!

I use Greek Seasoning because it's the best

Don't skip this step of placing the "fries" on a paper towel. Maybe I just use too much olive oil but yeah just don't skip that step. 

Next is spaghetti squash!
No link because the sticker tells you how to cook it
Cut in half, scoop out seeds and stuff, bake at 375 with squash face down on foil covered cookie sheet for 30-35 minutes, remove, let cool, take a fork and scrape the squash out. 

I like to put tzatziki sauce on the spaghetti squash. It tastes good and is pretty healthy. 

Another favorite of mine is turkey burgers. I just take ground turkey, season with Greek seasoning, dill, and cayenne pepper and then shape into patties and cook in a pan. So good. 

This was a new recipe for me. Cilantro honey-lime scallops

for the sauce I mixed lime juice, honey, cilantro, and paprika. Honestly I just mixed by eyeing it and tasting it. I have no clue how much of each I used. That's the fun part of cooking!!

For the scallops I seasoned with Greek seasoning and then cooked them on the stove in a cast iron skillet with olive oil and butter

Once cooked, place on a plate and drizzle with sauce. Pretty dang tasty. 

February Workout Plan

So I have written this out to do for Feb. I did the same for Jan but I only was focused for 2 weeks, so I'm trying again. Woo for determination. 

All of these can be done at home with just a few things. Some weights, a mat or pillow for the knees if you have bad knees like myself and I guess a DVD player or internet connection.

First thing I have is the 30 Day Shred. It's a great workout. I think I got the DVD for $8 at target. This workout kicks my ass. Some of the exercises I can't do with the weights so I don't at this time, but I'm working up to it. I'm not sure if you can find this on YouTube but you may be able to!

Here are the links I've found for the other exercises:

"Thin Thighs"

"Top 10 Arms"

"Bye Bye Jiggly Arms"

"Zumba YouTube" you can use any Zumba video on there, this is just the one I found on Pinterest

"That Ass"

"Eliminate Cellulite"

I'm hoping that this calendar method helps me stick to the workouts. You can ignore the numbers at the bottom of the dates, that's just for me to track days. If you have an event you're working towards you can write the number of days until the event on there like I have. It is kind of a scare tactic, but it works. 

If you have any workouts that you love, leave in the comments below! I'd love to try them out.  :)

That's my dog Alfie being all cute and stuff  

Saturday, January 4, 2014

The Laser Diaries Part 5

It has been quite some time since I did an update on the laser hair removal process I had. So I will be extremely honest in what I am going to say about my results. 

I will start this by saying, my hair grows extremely fast. I have PCOS and that is a symptom/side effect (whatever you want to call it) of it. So I have a lot of hair and it grows fast. Previously I had to shave daily if I wanted smooth, hair-free legs. 

I purchased a living social deal to have 6 laser sessions completed on my lower legs. I guess it has been almost a year since my last leg session and I do have hair left on my legs. I have to shave maybe once or twice a week. So I am PLEASED with my results. What I need to do is go back and have more sessions if I want complete hair removal. I was aware of that when I started the laser and I'm aware of it now. Laser hair removal doesn't remove hair forever. Some hair will grow back and you will have to have maintenance sessions but it is worth it. 

I was so pleased with my laser results I now am having my underarms done as well as a Brazilian. I've had 2 Brazilian sessions and 1 underarm session so far. The underarm made me feel like a baby. It hurt so bad! The Brazilian isn't bad until they go in the inner labia and the ass crack. 

You've never been in an awkward position until you have had your ass crack lasered. 

I am not using the same place for the Brazilian and underarms as I did for my legs. I go where the discount is. I like both places but I prefer the place I'm having the Brazilian and underarms. I like their laser better. It blows puffs of cold air as the laser hits your skin so 1) you don't smell burning hair and 2) it gives immediate cooling to the skin. 

I haven't really noticed a difference with the areas yet. Well I have noticed slower growth with the Brazilian but the hair isn't falling out like it did with my legs. I still have several sessions left so I hope it works out perfectly! 

No pictures because I'm not posting almost porn on here.  :p


resolutions are tough

My number one resolution this year was to lose the excess weight I've put on since college. I've put on about 50 pounds since I was a freshman in college. That freshman 15 was not a myth. For some reason, I didn't really realize my size kept growing because it was gradual and I guess slow but I just feel like it blew up one day. 

So far I've been watching what I eat and exercising daily. I know it's only the 4th but that's a big deal. I am so tired today, all I want to do is relax but I know I need to do the 30 day shred twice today. 

I've been trying to escape my money issues but it's time I address them. I need to buckle down and either get a second job or figure something out because this isn't working.

That's about all I have for now. 

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New year, new beginnings.

A few days ago, I received a box in the mail from my best friend from college. It was a bottle of champagne and a lovely note asking if I would be one of her bridesmaids. 

I of course said yes. 

I am so happy to be able to celebrate with them on their big day and be a part of it. It was then I decided I needed to get serious about my health and size. Last year I blogged a bit about the Advocare challenge and what not but I didn't stay faithful with the losses I experienced and I gained back 15 pounds!  2013 was a very rough year for me and I don't expect 2014 to be a repeat. I'm actively making changes. 

I realized I haven't been happy in a while and for some reason I got on the Deutsche Welle app on my phone yesterday and a show about happiness was on. It was discussing how people dwell on the bad/negative and don't realize that there are happy moments all throughout the day. So it suggested keeping a happiness journal to jot down all the good things throughout the day. I plan on doing something similar just so I can hone in on the good and not the bad. 

It really struck home with me because lately I've just been focusing on what aggravates me or what annoys me and not what makes me happy during the day. Everything has been a drag lately so I'm working on fixing it up. I spend at least 8 hours a day with my gears all knotted up because I'm agitated with stuff--may it be work, coworkers, traffic, etc. I spend a lot of time mad and irritated. I need to let go and get over it and that's what I'm working on. 

I am also working on ways to earn more money, so I am less stressed this year. All this past year I've been wondering how on earth am I going to move forward with my life when I just keep piling on debt. So I am working on a solution for that as well. I need 2014 to be about new beginnings. 

My ultimate goal is to lose 50 pounds by September. I will be back near my  freshman college weight. It's so hard to believe that I've gained that much weight during college and post college. I want to be able to go up 4 flights of stairs without getting winded. I want to beat my previous 5k times. I want to be able to carry my groceries up 3 flights of stairs without huffing and puffing. (It's a struggle.)  

So far today I have completed Day 1, Week 1 of the 30 Day Shred. I also have completed day 1 of a 30 day ab and squat challenge. I'm already sore and I don't know if I will be able to take this sports bra off on my own without having to cut it. This sucker has my boobs locked in and fully loaded. It's so right it hurts but it's one of the few I have so I'm dealing with it. 

I also want to fall in love sometime. I've been alone so long, I don't remember what it's like. 

So many things I want I happen and so little time. Just kidding there is plent of time. 

I will try to keep this updated. I may upload progress pictures if I can figure it out from my phone. Good luck to everyone starting a new healthy lifestyle. And also congrats to all who are continuing on their journeys. 

This was the note and champagne I received. How cute! Best way to ask ever! 

This would be my face after completing day 1 of the 30 Day Shred and all the other exercises I did today. I am TIRED! 

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Results after the cleanse

Drum rolllllllllllll

Okay okay okay so I am CONVINCED. AdvoCare REALLY does work. Whew. Didn't just waste a lot of money. (Yay)

So I measured a lot of places. I wanted to see the changes throughout my entire body. So my number may seem a bit big (heh pun somewhat intended) but it is okay because I really did lose the inches. Oddly enough I GAINED inches in some areas too but whatever.

It's the start of day 11 so I decided to measure before I ate and drank a lot. So here are the numbers in a confusing picture form.

Also added before and after.

Also I didn't exercise. I was supposed to but I felt ill a lot during the cleanse so I didn't do any more than just walking my dog and around at work (I have a sedentary job). So the numbers are pretty impressive since this is just from Advocare and eating clean.

I'm only halfway through the program and I am so excited about everything. AdvoCare is definitely something I'd recommend if you are trying to lose weight and get healthy since they provide vitamins and everything to replenish your body.

Only thing I noticed with my body is it didn't react well to the probiotic pills the first few days of using it. I wish I could have taken those at night but I guess I would have been waking up a lot if I did that. Overall I would say the cleanse part is gentle. I was able to work and be fin. I love the meal replacement shakes. They are fantastic. The fiber drink isn't bad if you know it's the consistency of pulpy orange juice (I also drank it with a bit more water than it said to but it's okay).

I feel great today. It's the first time in a while I can say that.

Oh and it's almost been two weeks without a soda and I had no headache from withdrawing (bonus). I have been grouchy though.

I may become a distributor since I know this stuff works. :)

Any questions or comments just leave below or contact me if you know how :)


Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Dessert anyone? Pills, progress, and pictures!

Last herbal cleanse pills with my catalyst! Also had to add a pic of flat tummy and how loose my pants are.. Please excuse my very messy closet. Lol

Added a "selfie" just because.

Total inches lost in just 7 days.....

NINE! 6 pounds gone as well as 9 fucking inches!

2 from upper bust
4 from lower bust (bra band area)
1 from waist
2 from hips

Not bad at all!

I will say this, I don't think the probiotics like my belly. They seriously have been working a number on me. I can't wait for my fiber drink tomorrow. Hoping it can flush me out. Ick! May keep drinking it even after this.

It's past my bedtime so

Goodnight loves,

Monday, March 25, 2013


I just got a new phone so I have no photos on this one but here are two meals I've had lately. De-lish!

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Progress on the challenge and food

So I've completed 3 Days of the, 24 Day Challenge, it's the morning of day 4. I haven't taken my measurements yet because I will wait for the results on that. BUT I have weighed myself and I've lost 5 pounds so far! I'm not exactly brave enough to write the number on here yet, because the number on the scale isn't what matters. I weigh more than I look that's for sure. But it's whatever. Haha

Honestly, I've felt really tired these past few days. I am so lethargic it's not funny. And, I am out of breath with simple things. I don't exactly know what's going on, but I'm sticking with the challenge because I feel like this is part of the process of ridding myself of the toxins that are within my body.

It has almost been a week since I had my last soda. I have a bottle of Coke Zero in my fridge as I write this and it's calling my name. I'm trying to be so strong. I haven't gotten a headache from the withdrawal (the icky feelings mentioned above quite possibly could be from this withdrawal).

I guess I should write what I've been eating:
Breakfast: meal replacement shake in chocolate--tastes JUST like pudding!
Lunch: turkey, broccoli, brown rice
Dinner: salad & shrimp, or breakfast casserole (so good).

For the casserole:
2 whole eggs
1-1.5 cups egg whites
Veggies of your choice
I used red & green bell peppers, onion, garlic, spinach
A little bit of cheese

Sauté the onions, garlic, and veggies minus the spinach in olive oil.
Whisk the whole eggs and egg whites together
Line your 9x13 glass baking dish with Pam or olive oil
Pre-heat oven to 325
Remove veggies from heat. Put 1/2 the veggies in the baking dish and set the other half aside
Sauté the spinach in the same pan as you cooked the veggies, let wilt just a little or to your liking then place spinach on top of the veggies in the pan.
Cover that with the egg mixture.
Place the remaining veggies on top.
Bake for 15 min. Remove, add cheese of you want, bake another 10-15 minutes or until you stick a knife in the middle of the egg mixture and it comes out clean. (Note cheese may stick to the knife).

For the shrimp:

Using a cast iron skillet on the stove top. Cover in a bit of olive oil and a pinch of coarse sea salt. Once hot, place thawed shrimp (Shrimp from the USA please. I honestly don't trust shrimp from overseas) in the skillet and cover with Greek Seasoning. Cook until pink, covering both sides of the shrimp with the seasoning.

Greek seasoning is one of my favorites. It is literally good on pretty much all 'meat' I've used it on. Haven't tried it on fish yet but I do have some in the freezer that I plan on playing with today. I am trying to come up with a fruity salsa but everything I think of has mango or kiwi and I don't have those... And I don't know if it would taste good ..sounding good in my head and tasting good are two different things.

So I think I will do a lemon/lime citrus and apple sauce/salsa. Wish I had cilantro. Anyway. This post became longer than I imagined. I'll keep you all updated
