Saturday, March 30, 2013

Results after the cleanse

Drum rolllllllllllll

Okay okay okay so I am CONVINCED. AdvoCare REALLY does work. Whew. Didn't just waste a lot of money. (Yay)

So I measured a lot of places. I wanted to see the changes throughout my entire body. So my number may seem a bit big (heh pun somewhat intended) but it is okay because I really did lose the inches. Oddly enough I GAINED inches in some areas too but whatever.

It's the start of day 11 so I decided to measure before I ate and drank a lot. So here are the numbers in a confusing picture form.

Also added before and after.

Also I didn't exercise. I was supposed to but I felt ill a lot during the cleanse so I didn't do any more than just walking my dog and around at work (I have a sedentary job). So the numbers are pretty impressive since this is just from Advocare and eating clean.

I'm only halfway through the program and I am so excited about everything. AdvoCare is definitely something I'd recommend if you are trying to lose weight and get healthy since they provide vitamins and everything to replenish your body.

Only thing I noticed with my body is it didn't react well to the probiotic pills the first few days of using it. I wish I could have taken those at night but I guess I would have been waking up a lot if I did that. Overall I would say the cleanse part is gentle. I was able to work and be fin. I love the meal replacement shakes. They are fantastic. The fiber drink isn't bad if you know it's the consistency of pulpy orange juice (I also drank it with a bit more water than it said to but it's okay).

I feel great today. It's the first time in a while I can say that.

Oh and it's almost been two weeks without a soda and I had no headache from withdrawing (bonus). I have been grouchy though.

I may become a distributor since I know this stuff works. :)

Any questions or comments just leave below or contact me if you know how :)


Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Dessert anyone? Pills, progress, and pictures!

Last herbal cleanse pills with my catalyst! Also had to add a pic of flat tummy and how loose my pants are.. Please excuse my very messy closet. Lol

Added a "selfie" just because.

Total inches lost in just 7 days.....

NINE! 6 pounds gone as well as 9 fucking inches!

2 from upper bust
4 from lower bust (bra band area)
1 from waist
2 from hips

Not bad at all!

I will say this, I don't think the probiotics like my belly. They seriously have been working a number on me. I can't wait for my fiber drink tomorrow. Hoping it can flush me out. Ick! May keep drinking it even after this.

It's past my bedtime so

Goodnight loves,

Monday, March 25, 2013


I just got a new phone so I have no photos on this one but here are two meals I've had lately. De-lish!

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Progress on the challenge and food

So I've completed 3 Days of the, 24 Day Challenge, it's the morning of day 4. I haven't taken my measurements yet because I will wait for the results on that. BUT I have weighed myself and I've lost 5 pounds so far! I'm not exactly brave enough to write the number on here yet, because the number on the scale isn't what matters. I weigh more than I look that's for sure. But it's whatever. Haha

Honestly, I've felt really tired these past few days. I am so lethargic it's not funny. And, I am out of breath with simple things. I don't exactly know what's going on, but I'm sticking with the challenge because I feel like this is part of the process of ridding myself of the toxins that are within my body.

It has almost been a week since I had my last soda. I have a bottle of Coke Zero in my fridge as I write this and it's calling my name. I'm trying to be so strong. I haven't gotten a headache from the withdrawal (the icky feelings mentioned above quite possibly could be from this withdrawal).

I guess I should write what I've been eating:
Breakfast: meal replacement shake in chocolate--tastes JUST like pudding!
Lunch: turkey, broccoli, brown rice
Dinner: salad & shrimp, or breakfast casserole (so good).

For the casserole:
2 whole eggs
1-1.5 cups egg whites
Veggies of your choice
I used red & green bell peppers, onion, garlic, spinach
A little bit of cheese

Sauté the onions, garlic, and veggies minus the spinach in olive oil.
Whisk the whole eggs and egg whites together
Line your 9x13 glass baking dish with Pam or olive oil
Pre-heat oven to 325
Remove veggies from heat. Put 1/2 the veggies in the baking dish and set the other half aside
Sauté the spinach in the same pan as you cooked the veggies, let wilt just a little or to your liking then place spinach on top of the veggies in the pan.
Cover that with the egg mixture.
Place the remaining veggies on top.
Bake for 15 min. Remove, add cheese of you want, bake another 10-15 minutes or until you stick a knife in the middle of the egg mixture and it comes out clean. (Note cheese may stick to the knife).

For the shrimp:

Using a cast iron skillet on the stove top. Cover in a bit of olive oil and a pinch of coarse sea salt. Once hot, place thawed shrimp (Shrimp from the USA please. I honestly don't trust shrimp from overseas) in the skillet and cover with Greek Seasoning. Cook until pink, covering both sides of the shrimp with the seasoning.

Greek seasoning is one of my favorites. It is literally good on pretty much all 'meat' I've used it on. Haven't tried it on fish yet but I do have some in the freezer that I plan on playing with today. I am trying to come up with a fruity salsa but everything I think of has mango or kiwi and I don't have those... And I don't know if it would taste good ..sounding good in my head and tasting good are two different things.

So I think I will do a lemon/lime citrus and apple sauce/salsa. Wish I had cilantro. Anyway. This post became longer than I imagined. I'll keep you all updated


Wednesday, March 20, 2013

24 Day Challenge: Days 1-3

Wednesday began with a BANG! Quite literally. Alfie (my dog) and I were awakened by the sound of what I thought was hard rain. I was in a Benedryl induced sleep to attempt to sleep thorough the night so I was in a pretty deep sleep. After the foggy mess of my brain cleared, I realized it sounded like hail!

I jumped out of bed and ran to the window to look out but I couldn't see anything going on except the water in the pool splashing up about a foot so I knew something what happening. As I was looking out, it began to get louder and louder. It literally sounded like rocks were being flung at my apartment. I was so worried about my car. Alfie and I jumped back in bed for about 5 minutes snuggling to hide from the noise. Might I add, this was at 3 A.M. The hail died down and Alf decided he had to potty so we walked outside to see what the damage was...omg y'all.. It looked like we had 3-4 inches of snow! (See attached photos). We get back in around 3:30 and I decided it was pointless to try to sleep since I had to wake up in 2 hours so I did laundry and started getting ready for work.

I drank the Orange Spark and took my 3 Catalyst pills to start the day. 30 minutes later it was time to drink the dreaded fiber drink. I shook the fiber drink with a little more than 1 cup of water and chugged it! I was so nervous about the taste but it wasn't bad at all. The texture was similar to orange juice with pulp. I made an egg white omelette with spinach and salsa. I had the extra glass of water after the fiber drink as recommended in the directions. After that I was SO FULL! Fast forward. I had a banana around 9 and at 10:30 I had my Catalyst and Spark (this time fruit punch & it is SO good). For lunch I had a salad with shrimp, almonds, and salsa with a side of Lima beans.

As a total, I've had about 9 cups of water so far. I have been peeing every 15-30 minutes. It is crazy and I've never ever peed this much that I can remember. I'm on day 2 without a soda and I don't have a headache (knock on wood). I felt sick in the afternoon so I rested.

Thursday (Day 2) was uneventful. I had a meal replacement shake instead of breakfast and it tasted JUST LIKE chocolate pudding!! So delicious! I keep burping after taking the Omega 3 supplement and it's a fish taste which is really gross.

Friday (day 3) so far so good. Haven't noticed any changes yet but I'm not discouraged. Love the meal replacement shakes. Also it's day 4 without a soda and I am not feeling bad AT ALL. So I am super happy.

For the potty stuff about the cleanse.. Skip if you don't want to hear,

Not really having issues there. I'm just peeing a lot which is annoying but the #2 portion is good. I can work and not do that at work which is a plus. Haha

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

AdvoCare 24 Day Challenge

I have been hearing all about this 24 Day Challenge from different blogs and friends on Facebook so I decided to see what the big fuss was about. I am starting it tomorrow on the 20th. I figured even though it's a Wednesday, diets (lifestyles) can be developed any day of the week. Plus since its the 20th, it's a nice even number to start off on.

I received the kit today. I also purchased two add-ons with the promise they will help further my weight-loss goals. I went shopping for clean foods (seafood, veggies, fruit, salad, etc) and I prepared breakfast, lunch, and water for the day already. I'll make an omelette for breakfast in the morning. I think I've thought of everything. I'm a bit nervous since its the first cleanse I've ever done. I keep hearing its a "gentle" cleanse but I don't know what that means! TMI (please pass over if potty talk grosses you out) : I am SO scared I'm going to be one of those ladies who stinks up the bathroom at work the next 10 days! I never go #2 at work so I'm not stoked about that. Honestly that's my only fear about this whole thing...pooping at work or on myself. Holy shit I'm scared. Haha

I think I skipped enough lines for those tmi haters. Anyway, I've seen friends with great results. The main goal of the cleanse is to put nutrients BACK into your body. So the 14 days after the cleanse is about restoring all the nutrients. I'm also nervous about having to eat all of the time. I don't eat as much as the daily guide book with the cleanse is telling me I have to, so I'm nervous I won't be hungry enough to eat when I'm supposed to. Maybe since I'm eating mostly raw it'll digest quicker? I'm pretty stoked about my lunch though, salad with shrimp cooked in my cast iron skillet, salsa, guacamole, and Lima beans! Yummmmie.

Speaking of cast iron skillets... I honestly don't think I'll cook meat in anything else ever again. It is seriously the best tool you can have in your kitchen. Love it! Also rosemary potatoes are amazing cooked in it too but I've cut out potatoes for the next 24 days. (This is going to hurt me, potatoes are my friend). I have to do what I have to do.

Alright my fine friends (I actually typed Fridays instead of friends at first. Guess my brain is ready for the week to be over already). :) I must finish getting my clothes and stuff ready for work tomorrow so I can get there early.

If you have any questions about the cleanse or challenge, let me know. If you're interested in joining it yourself, I can get you in contact with a distributor (I won't become one until I try the challenge for myself to see if these products are something I can believe in.) you can bet your ass if these products do work I will be a distributor ASAP. Not only will you get paid to sell on your own time, you get a pretty nice discount (which rules cuz this stuff ain't cheap).

Will let y'all know how tomorrow goes!

OH I almost forgot, I'll also be starting the 30 day shred along with the cleanse. I did a few days last week but then my knee was acting stupid and I stopped. So doing both to really get this fitness thing started. I also purchased a Polar ft40f to track my fitness plan. That should be here this week hopefully. :)

Until then, auf Wiedersehen

The Laser Diaries Pt. 3 and 4

I have been a complete slacker.

I am still having laser treatments. I have two more to go until the 6 are complete. I can tell a difference in leg hair growth. I actually went to work Monday wearing a dress and I hadn't shaved my legs in 4 days. That's almost a week and that's MAJOR. Never before in my life would I be able to do that. So I am still seeing results. Of course my hair is still growing because of the different hair cycles so I'll have to get maintenance every once and a while but that's okay. This past time my legs itched a whole week after the treatment. That was pretty lame, but I kept putting aloe on to try to make it stop. My next appointment is in two weeks so I'll update you all on this progress then!