Tuesday, March 19, 2013

AdvoCare 24 Day Challenge

I have been hearing all about this 24 Day Challenge from different blogs and friends on Facebook so I decided to see what the big fuss was about. I am starting it tomorrow on the 20th. I figured even though it's a Wednesday, diets (lifestyles) can be developed any day of the week. Plus since its the 20th, it's a nice even number to start off on.

I received the kit today. I also purchased two add-ons with the promise they will help further my weight-loss goals. I went shopping for clean foods (seafood, veggies, fruit, salad, etc) and I prepared breakfast, lunch, and water for the day already. I'll make an omelette for breakfast in the morning. I think I've thought of everything. I'm a bit nervous since its the first cleanse I've ever done. I keep hearing its a "gentle" cleanse but I don't know what that means! TMI (please pass over if potty talk grosses you out) : I am SO scared I'm going to be one of those ladies who stinks up the bathroom at work the next 10 days! I never go #2 at work so I'm not stoked about that. Honestly that's my only fear about this whole thing...pooping at work or on myself. Holy shit I'm scared. Haha

I think I skipped enough lines for those tmi haters. Anyway, I've seen friends with great results. The main goal of the cleanse is to put nutrients BACK into your body. So the 14 days after the cleanse is about restoring all the nutrients. I'm also nervous about having to eat all of the time. I don't eat as much as the daily guide book with the cleanse is telling me I have to, so I'm nervous I won't be hungry enough to eat when I'm supposed to. Maybe since I'm eating mostly raw it'll digest quicker? I'm pretty stoked about my lunch though, salad with shrimp cooked in my cast iron skillet, salsa, guacamole, and Lima beans! Yummmmie.

Speaking of cast iron skillets... I honestly don't think I'll cook meat in anything else ever again. It is seriously the best tool you can have in your kitchen. Love it! Also rosemary potatoes are amazing cooked in it too but I've cut out potatoes for the next 24 days. (This is going to hurt me, potatoes are my friend). I have to do what I have to do.

Alright my fine friends (I actually typed Fridays instead of friends at first. Guess my brain is ready for the week to be over already). :) I must finish getting my clothes and stuff ready for work tomorrow so I can get there early.

If you have any questions about the cleanse or challenge, let me know. If you're interested in joining it yourself, I can get you in contact with a distributor (I won't become one until I try the challenge for myself to see if these products are something I can believe in.) you can bet your ass if these products do work I will be a distributor ASAP. Not only will you get paid to sell on your own time, you get a pretty nice discount (which rules cuz this stuff ain't cheap).

Will let y'all know how tomorrow goes!

OH I almost forgot, I'll also be starting the 30 day shred along with the cleanse. I did a few days last week but then my knee was acting stupid and I stopped. So doing both to really get this fitness thing started. I also purchased a Polar ft40f to track my fitness plan. That should be here this week hopefully. :)

Until then, auf Wiedersehen

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