Wednesday, March 20, 2013

24 Day Challenge: Days 1-3

Wednesday began with a BANG! Quite literally. Alfie (my dog) and I were awakened by the sound of what I thought was hard rain. I was in a Benedryl induced sleep to attempt to sleep thorough the night so I was in a pretty deep sleep. After the foggy mess of my brain cleared, I realized it sounded like hail!

I jumped out of bed and ran to the window to look out but I couldn't see anything going on except the water in the pool splashing up about a foot so I knew something what happening. As I was looking out, it began to get louder and louder. It literally sounded like rocks were being flung at my apartment. I was so worried about my car. Alfie and I jumped back in bed for about 5 minutes snuggling to hide from the noise. Might I add, this was at 3 A.M. The hail died down and Alf decided he had to potty so we walked outside to see what the damage was...omg y'all.. It looked like we had 3-4 inches of snow! (See attached photos). We get back in around 3:30 and I decided it was pointless to try to sleep since I had to wake up in 2 hours so I did laundry and started getting ready for work.

I drank the Orange Spark and took my 3 Catalyst pills to start the day. 30 minutes later it was time to drink the dreaded fiber drink. I shook the fiber drink with a little more than 1 cup of water and chugged it! I was so nervous about the taste but it wasn't bad at all. The texture was similar to orange juice with pulp. I made an egg white omelette with spinach and salsa. I had the extra glass of water after the fiber drink as recommended in the directions. After that I was SO FULL! Fast forward. I had a banana around 9 and at 10:30 I had my Catalyst and Spark (this time fruit punch & it is SO good). For lunch I had a salad with shrimp, almonds, and salsa with a side of Lima beans.

As a total, I've had about 9 cups of water so far. I have been peeing every 15-30 minutes. It is crazy and I've never ever peed this much that I can remember. I'm on day 2 without a soda and I don't have a headache (knock on wood). I felt sick in the afternoon so I rested.

Thursday (Day 2) was uneventful. I had a meal replacement shake instead of breakfast and it tasted JUST LIKE chocolate pudding!! So delicious! I keep burping after taking the Omega 3 supplement and it's a fish taste which is really gross.

Friday (day 3) so far so good. Haven't noticed any changes yet but I'm not discouraged. Love the meal replacement shakes. Also it's day 4 without a soda and I am not feeling bad AT ALL. So I am super happy.

For the potty stuff about the cleanse.. Skip if you don't want to hear,

Not really having issues there. I'm just peeing a lot which is annoying but the #2 portion is good. I can work and not do that at work which is a plus. Haha

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