Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Baking Soda-the magic powder

Did you know that stuff that's probably keeping your fridge or freezer nice and fresh does wonders for your hair?  You know, that stuff you mix with vinegar and a magnificent bubbling eruption occurs.. Baking soda..  Yeah, that stuff.  Well it does.

If you are a sufferer of greasy hair or an oily scalp, a little bit of baking soda mixed with your shampoo can do absolute wonders.  This also helps when you start to notice a little build up from your hair products--it'll take it right out.  I use the 365 brand shampoo from Whole Foods which I love.  I love mixing a little baking soda into the shampoo once a week just for that squeaky clean feeling.  I love this remedy.  Do you have any home remedies that you absolutely can't live without?  Leave them in the comments and you may just see them on this blog!

WARNING:  Please don't let the baking soda and shampoo get into your eyes.  That would not be good at all...and it would be pretty dang painful. Also, I am not a Dermatologist nor a beautician.  If you are having scalp issues that have lasted more than a few weeks, please go see a Dermatologist or your primary care physician.  This could be a serious condition that requires more than a few home remedies.

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