Sunday, October 21, 2012

iPhone apps

Good Morning Friends!

I hope your weekend is going fabulous!  After Alabama's 7th straight win this season, my weekend has been pretty nice.  I just wanted to do a little update since I've been slacking.

I've started getting serious about my health.  I try to eat right.  I try to not grab seconds even when the food it just too delicious.  I only had two chocolate chip cookies when I wanted to eat the entire pan.  I didn't reach for my credit card when I saw 20 cute dresses online that I just need to have.  I know one of my posts a while back was about making the right decisions and I feel like I've been trying really hard to practice what I "preach".  So my brain sort of shocked me yesterday.  Not in the electrocution style shock but like it told me to do something so I did.

Last night after the Bama game, I went on my nightly walk with Alfie (my dog).  We walked to the sidewalk and my brain said "run" so I did.  I didn't know what I was running from or for but I listened.  I am not in shape at all, so I ran for about five minutes stopping and slowing for Alf when he had to just pee on everything.  But the fact is I did it. I did something I NEVER do.  I got my heart pumping a little and tired myself out.  After the first five minutes of the run/jog we walked another five but it was nice.

So this morning, I woke up, and I was going to put Alfie in the backyard to run around.  I was stopped and reminded my dad had laid poison out to kill all these damn gnats/biting bugs that keep flying around.  So I ran back upstairs to put some shoes on and grab Alfie's leash.  I also grabbed my cell phone so I could use an app I pretty much never use--but I actually really recommend it since I'm changing my habits.  (And I have used this app before, I use it when I go hiking on the trails around Austin which I haven't done since the Spring since Summers are unbearable here.)

So the first app I used today was the Nike Running app.  It uses the gps in your iPhone to track your distance, time, and pace of your run.  It also gives you a cute little map of where you went as well as color codes it to show where you slowed down and where you sped up!  You can also link it to your Facebook to get cheers and stuff but I haven't tried that out yet.  You can also open your iPod with the app and listen to tunes to get your blood pumping and to keep you going!

The second app I used today was, MyFitnessPal.  This app is helpful when you want or need helping keeping track of your daily calorie intake and use.  I've previously used LoseIt! and I like both.  Both apps have the option of using the bar-code scanner to track your meals which is extremely helpful for those who don't really have the time to sit there and search for the food when there could be thousands with the same name or something similar.  Both apps track your food and exercises for the day and tallies up how many calories you have left to use for the day.

Do you have any sweet iPhone apps that you use for your health and fitness?  If so, leave some of those in the comments to share!  It would be much appreciated! :)

I'll be updating the blog a little later.

Until then,

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