Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Cha cha cha changes..

If you're reading my blog, chances are you know me.  I'm a little goofy so that's why I'm posting this pin.  I think this is pretty dang funny and so me.  BUT that is all about to change.  I have been telling myself I need to "get right."  I need to prevent myself from having issues that a 24 year old girl should not be having.

I'm starting by slowly adding better foods into my diet.  I'm eating more salads and fruits instead of bacon and fried eggs.  Granted I'm pretty damn stubborn about that Hidden Valley Ranch Dressing but I'm taking baby steps.  (That stuff is so delicious, it's not even funny.)  [Side note, please read that in the most Southern accent you can because that's how it should be said..and how I actually said it in my head.]

Good choices I made today:
Having apple slices for breakfast.
Drinking a Diet Coke instead of regular.
Drinking water after my one soda of the day.
Walking Alfie for 30 minutes today. (I'm working on spiking up that number)
Having a salad with dinner.
Not buying any cookies or cake during my last break (in that crucial time frame where naps are needed.)
Not slapping a bitch when a thank you was in order and those two small words were not said.
Not opening the bottle of tequila when I got home because of the thing above. (I haven't drank in a few weeks actually so that is a very good decision.)

Well that isn't the full list but you can somewhat see the few good deeds.  I won't get into the bad stuff.. like that cheese burger and tots I had for lunch, we shall save that for another time my friends.  Anyway, I feel like if we all slowly add new and healthier choices into our lives it will be a win-win for everyone.  It will also be a lot easier to continue with the better choices if you aren't stripping yourself from all of your addictions at once.

I'd like to welcome you all on this journey to healthier lifestyles. I believe that together we can do this together.  Please leave comments or tips you may have for making the transition easier?


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