Monday, October 15, 2012


I unknowingly attempted my first Pinterest Challenge this morning. I hope y'all have had a fabulous Monday. Today went by pretty fast thank goodness.  

I love Pinterest.  Seriously you can repin anything and sometimes the little tips and tricks that sound SO outrageous stick with you..such as the one I tried today.

It's fall here in the lovely city of Austin, Texas and unfortunately, just like Spring, it's allergy season.  So everyone here has been battling the sniffles, sneezes, runny eyes, and my personal favorite--a sore throat. (BTW I'm totally kidding, I hate sore throats more than I hate bugs.. EW.) 

So this morning, I woke up late and was bummed to realize that I had no time to make tea or hot chocolate so what is a girl to do when you have a sore throat and zero time??

Eat marshmallows.

YEAH, you read that correctly...marshmallows.  At least that's what this pin says to do.

As I frantically drove the 30 miles to work I popped a few marshmallows and let it do all the work.  Amazingly I somewhat felt relief.  The pain wasn't completely gone but my throat felt a little better.  I did end up purchasing a venti hot chocolate from the Starbucks at the hospital but for the purpose of this Pinterest Challenge, I will say it works.

If you have any pins or tricks you'd like me to test out, leave them in the comments and I'll be happy to be your guinea pig!


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