Saturday, November 17, 2012

did you know...

So we have been warned that "Winter is coming" for quite a few seasons (March 31st can't get here fast enough GoT fans).  One thing that always seems to happen to me is STATIC! I hate being shocked constantly because of static.  I touch my dog, shock *sorry Alfie*.  I touch my car, shock and the list goes on.  One thing I can't stand is static in my hair.

A few weeks ago, one of my co-workers had a problem with her dress clinging to her legs because of static.  As a joke, I told her to put hand sanitizer on her legs to make it go away.  She did it and IT WORKED!  It stopped the clinging!  After that, hand sanitzer is my answer for everything.  Since winter is here, I've had a problem with static and my hair.  After cutting 15 inches of hair off *see previous posts* it seems like my hair is healthier.  So I had no problem putting my hand sanitizer theory to use with my own hair.  I pumped the sanitizer into my hand and rubbed it around like I was cleaning my hands and while they were still wet, just smoothed it at the ends of my hair.  Oddly enough, it worked and my co-workers were amazed!

I don't know the science behind it.  All I know is that it worked and I've tried it multiple times.  So next time you're in a bind and static hair has you blue, just rub some hand sanitizer and hope you don't get the achoos!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

The Laser Diaries Part Two.

Today I had my second laser hair removal appointment.  I have been waiting for this for weeks!  I left work a little earlier than I should have because I was so excited.  I ended up having to wait until 8:15 to go back to get started but that's okay.

I shaved on Monday so I thought I'd have enough hair growth but when I felt my legs before my appointment I hardly had any growth!  I exfoliated on Tuesday and Wednesday to prepare for the appointment.  I also took an ibuprofen (I would suggest sticking with my Tylenol Arthritis).

We got started and we stuck with the 20% power for the laser which is what she did the last time.  I realized the fatty part of the legs does not hurt.  The part that is most sensitive is around the shin, the front of the ankle area, and the ankle.  I couldn't even feel it when she went over my knees.

The whole appointment took about 45 minutes which is not bad timing at all.  We decided next appointment to go up to 30% power and come back in 8 weeks.  So I'll be laser free all December (boo).

There is a common misconception about laser hair removal.  A lot of people think that after one visit you'll be hair free, or you'll never have to shave again, which is incorrect.  Your hair grows in cycles so after one visit your hair could be going through a different cycle.  I am lucky to have been able to see a difference with one treatment. My hair is growing back spotty which is fine with me.  I don't have to shave as much.  I actually am thinking about starting a "hair calendar" to note when I shave and how soon it takes for me to feel stubble.

My legs have been tingling and slightly burning today but I don't see that as a big deal since I was just shot with a laser on my legs for 45 minutes straight.

I still give this whole thing two thumbs up.  We shall see how I feel in a few weeks!

Until next time,

Sunday, November 11, 2012


I have been growing my hair out for quite some time.  My hair was so long it touched my lower back (right above my butt).  A few days ago I decided I needed a change so I decided I would get my hair cut this weekend.  I couldn't decide on a length to go with so I said I'd figure it out later.  I went into the salon, I went to Great Clips and was greeted with a very friendly face.  I told her I wanted to get my hair cut and I wanted to donate it.  I asked if they donated hair and she enthusiastically informed me they donate to Locks of Love and if I did decide to donate it, the blunt hair cut would be for free!

The lady who cut my hair was so sweet! We talked about the day and flying in airplanes.  She asked if I had a boyfriend or husband that I'm trying to shock by cutting my hair.  I laughed and said no.  So then she asked if I was going through a break-up, again laughed and said no.  I told her, it's about to be winter and I've been growing my hair out a while so I decided it was time for a change.  She seemed satisfied with my response.


As you can see my hair was really long.  

About 45 minutes later I walked out with this

I had about 15 inches cut off all together.  I am in love with it.  She did cut a few layers into it so it wasn't so blah.  The lady was so sweet! Even though she did a little extra, she didn't charge me for the cut.  I felt guilty for not having any cash so I bought some products so I could tip her! (I tipped her $5 which was 50% of the price the cut would have been.)  

I feel like weight has been lifted off my shoulders and I can't stop touching my hair!  I can't believe I'll be able to drive without snapping my neck because I'm leaning on my hair.  SO excited about that actually.  

Sunday, November 4, 2012


A super important step to any beauty routine is getting enough sleep.  Not too little and not too much.  Last night proved to me how stressed I was watching the game because I woke up so tense! On nights where you just don't get a good night's sleep, one thing you can do is spend a few minutes in the morning stretching to get your muscles loose. 

Stretching and sleep are very important.  I have learned this in my journey.  :)

Saturday, November 3, 2012

nothing to do with health, beauty, or wellness


yes that needs to be all caps.

good and bad weeks

In this crazy thing we call life, we have good weeks and we also have bad weeks.  Everyone who has ever joined the battle with weight and healthy lifestyles is probably aware of this.  This week was a "bad" week for me.  I wasn't focused as I was last week (week before Halloween).  Last week, I lost 3.5 pounds.  This week, I am stalling on weighing myself.  I so much junk.  I'm just going to chalk it up to a weak week.  I am in dire need of running shoe advice and I have no clue what kind to buy.  We attempted to go on the trail this past Monday and before we even went 3000 steps I was having shin pain! It was utterly ridiculous.  I cannot believe that the week prior I went over 4 miles walking and jogging and this week I couldn't even walk 3000 steps.  I did switch shoes so maybe that had a factor but still.

I guess the only thing I can do is re-focus myself and start again.  I don't even know if I "failed" on the scale but we shall see.

Friday, October 26, 2012


As you all know, I am trying to get right with my body and get back in shape.  I'm doing this the healthy way and without stepping foot in a gym! (I'm trying to not go to one we'll see if that happens.) So I've been doing at least 30 minutes of activity a day. I'm slacking today and I'm about to tell y'all why.

Yesterday Morgan (y'all will be meeting her soon) and myself went to the Town Lake Trail in Downtown Austin.  We figured we would do the 3 mile trail. So we went at it.  I am very out of shape.  I have no shame letting anyone know that.  So, I walked most of it but I would run a little bit and try again and again.  She is a fantastic motivator and trainer.  We lost track of time and when we got back to our cars, it had been 90 minutes!  We also realized our 3 mile trek ended up being over 4 miles.  We estimated 4.25 miles.  I got home last night feeling AWESOME!  I was so happy and excited that I didn't make us stop once to sit (I did ask but then talked myself out of it).

This is the route we actually did.  It is obviously over 4.25 miles so then I was even more stoked!  I took some Tylenol Arthritis and some prescription anti-inflammatory medicine I have and I didn't feel a thing.  I also made sure to stretch extra to keep the muscles lean and loose.

I'm only starting to feel it today, about an hour again to be exact.  So the Tylenol and meds are out of my system since it's been over 24 hours.  I suppose I'll take some more so I can actually move tomorrow! lol

The exciting thing is I'm very proud of both of us for actually doing something we put our minds to.  It's pretty exciting to do something for the sake of your well-being.  I'm weighing in tomorrow for the first time to see if there is any change from one week of diet and exercise.  I don't see a difference or feel one so maybe the scale will show something.  If it doesn't show a change, I won't get discouraged because I know that I've been faithful with this for a week and it only takes 3 more weeks for me to see an actual difference.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012


Dogs may be man's best friend but I'm pretty sure there is a law some where that says mascara is a girl's best friend (right behind diamonds).  :)

I realized today that I really don't like curved brushes on a mascara wand.  I am sure there is a magical reason as to why the brush is curved but I can't seem to figure it out.  The only thing I successfully achieve by using a curved mascara wand is having mascara all over my eyelid.

Morgan and I got to discussing the logistics behind the wand.  She likes a little thicker mascara wand while I prefer the thinner wands.  I love the thinner wands because you can squeeze into the creases of your eye and coat every lash with the magical formula that is mascara.  I didn't actually ask her why she prefers a larger wand but I'm sure she has a good answer.

Before I even touch my mascara I always use an eyelash curler.  This contraption might be a little scary to those who have never used one before but it's the one tool that you can keep in your make-up bag that will immediately make your eyes pop without even applying any products to your face!  I use a tried-and-true metal eyelash curler but they now have heated ones and all sorts of things!

First I pump my eyelashes with the curler 2-3 times and make sure each lash is lifted to about the same height. I then apply a coat or two of mascara to my lashes.  Some days I wear eyeliner and others I don't so if that's what ya fancy put it on there too! :)

So with the great debate about brushes, which do you prefer when putting mascara on--curved or straight?


Sunday, October 21, 2012

Redken - All Soft Heavy Cream – Haircare by Redken

Redken - All Soft Heavy Cream – Haircare by Redken

This is my ultimate favorite hair product.  If you are wanting silky smooth hair this is the stuff you need!  I have been using this stuff all year.  I only use it every once in a while because with daily use, for people with an oily scalp it could look PRETTY messy, if ya know what I mean.

I shampoo, rinse, put this stuff in and finish doing my shower business then rinse with cool water and wrap my hair up in a towel to dry for the most part.  I'll finish with the blow dryer to make sure it's straight and my hair routine is complete!

What hair products can you not live without?  Let me know!


iPhone apps

Good Morning Friends!

I hope your weekend is going fabulous!  After Alabama's 7th straight win this season, my weekend has been pretty nice.  I just wanted to do a little update since I've been slacking.

I've started getting serious about my health.  I try to eat right.  I try to not grab seconds even when the food it just too delicious.  I only had two chocolate chip cookies when I wanted to eat the entire pan.  I didn't reach for my credit card when I saw 20 cute dresses online that I just need to have.  I know one of my posts a while back was about making the right decisions and I feel like I've been trying really hard to practice what I "preach".  So my brain sort of shocked me yesterday.  Not in the electrocution style shock but like it told me to do something so I did.

Last night after the Bama game, I went on my nightly walk with Alfie (my dog).  We walked to the sidewalk and my brain said "run" so I did.  I didn't know what I was running from or for but I listened.  I am not in shape at all, so I ran for about five minutes stopping and slowing for Alf when he had to just pee on everything.  But the fact is I did it. I did something I NEVER do.  I got my heart pumping a little and tired myself out.  After the first five minutes of the run/jog we walked another five but it was nice.

So this morning, I woke up, and I was going to put Alfie in the backyard to run around.  I was stopped and reminded my dad had laid poison out to kill all these damn gnats/biting bugs that keep flying around.  So I ran back upstairs to put some shoes on and grab Alfie's leash.  I also grabbed my cell phone so I could use an app I pretty much never use--but I actually really recommend it since I'm changing my habits.  (And I have used this app before, I use it when I go hiking on the trails around Austin which I haven't done since the Spring since Summers are unbearable here.)

So the first app I used today was the Nike Running app.  It uses the gps in your iPhone to track your distance, time, and pace of your run.  It also gives you a cute little map of where you went as well as color codes it to show where you slowed down and where you sped up!  You can also link it to your Facebook to get cheers and stuff but I haven't tried that out yet.  You can also open your iPod with the app and listen to tunes to get your blood pumping and to keep you going!

The second app I used today was, MyFitnessPal.  This app is helpful when you want or need helping keeping track of your daily calorie intake and use.  I've previously used LoseIt! and I like both.  Both apps have the option of using the bar-code scanner to track your meals which is extremely helpful for those who don't really have the time to sit there and search for the food when there could be thousands with the same name or something similar.  Both apps track your food and exercises for the day and tallies up how many calories you have left to use for the day.

Do you have any sweet iPhone apps that you use for your health and fitness?  If so, leave some of those in the comments to share!  It would be much appreciated! :)

I'll be updating the blog a little later.

Until then,

Thursday, October 18, 2012

oh my gahhhhh

So this isn't going to be much of a post except my exclamation of excitement!!

It has been 21 hours since I shaved my legs and they still feel smooth!!!!! Not going to lie, I can't remember the last time I've had smooth legs 8 hours after shaving. haha

So after ONE laser treatment, I can tell a difference with my leg hair. I am very pale and I have dark brown hair so I can still see the hair follicles under the skin but I'm hoping that'll change soon.

I have been dancing around in my room for like 10 minutes after feeling my leg. Creepy, I know, but apparently that's starting to become my middle name.


Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Cha cha cha changes..

If you're reading my blog, chances are you know me.  I'm a little goofy so that's why I'm posting this pin.  I think this is pretty dang funny and so me.  BUT that is all about to change.  I have been telling myself I need to "get right."  I need to prevent myself from having issues that a 24 year old girl should not be having.

I'm starting by slowly adding better foods into my diet.  I'm eating more salads and fruits instead of bacon and fried eggs.  Granted I'm pretty damn stubborn about that Hidden Valley Ranch Dressing but I'm taking baby steps.  (That stuff is so delicious, it's not even funny.)  [Side note, please read that in the most Southern accent you can because that's how it should be said..and how I actually said it in my head.]

Good choices I made today:
Having apple slices for breakfast.
Drinking a Diet Coke instead of regular.
Drinking water after my one soda of the day.
Walking Alfie for 30 minutes today. (I'm working on spiking up that number)
Having a salad with dinner.
Not buying any cookies or cake during my last break (in that crucial time frame where naps are needed.)
Not slapping a bitch when a thank you was in order and those two small words were not said.
Not opening the bottle of tequila when I got home because of the thing above. (I haven't drank in a few weeks actually so that is a very good decision.)

Well that isn't the full list but you can somewhat see the few good deeds.  I won't get into the bad stuff.. like that cheese burger and tots I had for lunch, we shall save that for another time my friends.  Anyway, I feel like if we all slowly add new and healthier choices into our lives it will be a win-win for everyone.  It will also be a lot easier to continue with the better choices if you aren't stripping yourself from all of your addictions at once.

I'd like to welcome you all on this journey to healthier lifestyles. I believe that together we can do this together.  Please leave comments or tips you may have for making the transition easier?


Baking Soda-the magic powder

Did you know that stuff that's probably keeping your fridge or freezer nice and fresh does wonders for your hair?  You know, that stuff you mix with vinegar and a magnificent bubbling eruption occurs.. Baking soda..  Yeah, that stuff.  Well it does.

If you are a sufferer of greasy hair or an oily scalp, a little bit of baking soda mixed with your shampoo can do absolute wonders.  This also helps when you start to notice a little build up from your hair products--it'll take it right out.  I use the 365 brand shampoo from Whole Foods which I love.  I love mixing a little baking soda into the shampoo once a week just for that squeaky clean feeling.  I love this remedy.  Do you have any home remedies that you absolutely can't live without?  Leave them in the comments and you may just see them on this blog!

WARNING:  Please don't let the baking soda and shampoo get into your eyes.  That would not be good at all...and it would be pretty dang painful. Also, I am not a Dermatologist nor a beautician.  If you are having scalp issues that have lasted more than a few weeks, please go see a Dermatologist or your primary care physician.  This could be a serious condition that requires more than a few home remedies.

Monday, October 15, 2012


I unknowingly attempted my first Pinterest Challenge this morning. I hope y'all have had a fabulous Monday. Today went by pretty fast thank goodness.  

I love Pinterest.  Seriously you can repin anything and sometimes the little tips and tricks that sound SO outrageous stick with you..such as the one I tried today.

It's fall here in the lovely city of Austin, Texas and unfortunately, just like Spring, it's allergy season.  So everyone here has been battling the sniffles, sneezes, runny eyes, and my personal favorite--a sore throat. (BTW I'm totally kidding, I hate sore throats more than I hate bugs.. EW.) 

So this morning, I woke up late and was bummed to realize that I had no time to make tea or hot chocolate so what is a girl to do when you have a sore throat and zero time??

Eat marshmallows.

YEAH, you read that correctly...marshmallows.  At least that's what this pin says to do.

As I frantically drove the 30 miles to work I popped a few marshmallows and let it do all the work.  Amazingly I somewhat felt relief.  The pain wasn't completely gone but my throat felt a little better.  I did end up purchasing a venti hot chocolate from the Starbucks at the hospital but for the purpose of this Pinterest Challenge, I will say it works.

If you have any pins or tricks you'd like me to test out, leave them in the comments and I'll be happy to be your guinea pig!


Sunday, October 14, 2012

A Girl's Best Weapon

A girl's best weapon in her beauty drawer should be a great moisturizer. I only discovered this Earth Science almond aloe moisturizer a few months ago but I immediately fell in love.  You can find this at Whole Foods.  I'm not sure where else you can purchase this stuff but I recommend it completely.  I used to be a MAC only girl.  I loved the way their moisturizer with SPF 15 felt against my skin but I had a problem with getting it near my eyes.  I somehow always did and my eyes would always run for hours.  With this stuff, if I get it near my eyes it's okay.  I don't have a runny eye problem.  Also, this is a creamy thick formula.  It doesn't leave your skin oily or with a residue.  One of the best things you can do for your skin is use sunscreen daily and keep it moisturized.  This two-in-one secret weapon is one of my favorites in my beauty drawer.  I recommend using this daily for baby smooth skin! I think it was around $6 or $7 so not a bad price.  This product also does wonders on rough elbows and dry hands.  Check it out and let me know what y'all think!


The Laser Diaries

I typically have hair that grows really fast. So, I have been wanting to try laser hair removal for YEARS.  I asked for laser hair removal as my college graduation present back in 2010 and the idea was rejected.  I had even asked for it prior to that and obviously was rejected then too.  I have been asking and asking and asking and having no luck. 
I eventually gave up but a few months ago my boss and I got on the conversation of laser hair removal and she literally gushed about it.  She absolutely loves having it done!  The feeling of never having to shave as much is a huge blessing.  She pretty much convinced me to just go on and do it. One of the best tidbits of advice she gave me was to search for either a Groupon or a Living Social deal since laser hair removal is so expensive.  I began a search--a two month long search for the best deal..   
I finally found the PERFECT Living Social deal! Laser hair removal for your legs for $119 for six sessions! HOLY COW! What an amazing deal! Plus, it is done at an actual doctor’s office so even more perfect! I waited a few days before I actually purchased the deal just to make sure I was brave enough to do it.  I finally purchased the Living Social deal and was beyond elated!  Once I received my confirmation, I called the office to make my appointment and the wait was three weeks.  My appointment was scheduled on 10/4 at 8:00 A.M.  The lady told me to make sure I had leg stubble.  What exactly is “leg hair stubble”? How long should it be? I had no clue.  I feel if I go a day without shaving it's bad.

 A week before my appointment I went to my doctor for an illness and while I was there I asked her for her views on laser hair removal.  She said it she loves it and has seen people with really amazing results.  She also said she has seen patients with horror story results.  She has seen burns and she even told me a few years back she had a patient who had her bikini done and she saw and her thoughts were, "oh honey what did you get yourself into?"  She admitted she had her underarms done and she loves the results for her.  I told her about the deal and she gave me a few good points. Her advice was:

1. Call the office to see how long the technician that will be doing the hair removal has been working on patients and how long they have been using the actual machine. (a question from my friend was how many patients have they actually worked on.)
2. If you feel uncomfortable at any time, make sure you tell them to stop.
3. Stay OUT of the sun and keep sunscreen on.

She was blown away at the deal and her concern was that that office had just gotten the machine and were doing the deals to basically have people come in as guinea pigs to test it out.  (She didn't know where it was or anything about the place because I didn't tell her--she was only looking out for her patient.)  I told her I will call them to ask before I go to my appointment.  She told me to let her know how it goes and so jokingly I said you'll know if I come in next week with extreme burns.  We both laughed and I went on my way.  I would have never thought to find out how long the technician has been working with the machine they will be using.  I called to find out and I felt like the amount of time was pretty long.  So I was okay and my mind was sound.

I went into my appointment freshly exfoliated.  I went with 3-4 days worth of growth which really isn't as bad as I'm making it seem. I just wanted to be sure I had enough hair so the laser would find them and the whole process would be a success.  I had taken two Tylenol because I heard taking a pain reliever prior to the laser helps with any pain. I also brought a pair of shorts to change into since I was wearing my suit for work. I must admit, I was REALLY nervous. I have tattoos so I feel like I can handle that sort of pain but going in to this and not having a good understanding of how the whole thing feels was nerve racking.  I heard it feels like snapping a rubber band against your skin which hurts terribly.  So I was frightened for that feeling.

I arrived a few minutes later than I had originally planned, luckily traffic going to North Austin isn’t as bad in the morning once you’re already in North Austin. My appointment was at 8 and I arrived at 7:50. I checked in at the front desk and started filling out the new patient paperwork. I got back to the room about 8:10 so we did the test run with the laser.  She had me sit on the table and she prepped the machine.  My heart was beating a million miles an hour.  She propped my foot up and held the laser wand by my ankle and zap!  The first thing out of my mouth was, “that was it?? That’s what the laser feels like?” And Megan said, “yep that’s it!” So I was super pleased I anticipated the pain to be tremendous but it was not.  For me, it felt like less than an ant bite sting with a cold shot of air afterwards--similar to those cans of air you use to clean a computer keyboard. 

Candela Gentlelase alexandrite laser

We waited about ten minutes to see if I would get any sort of reaction to the laser such as: bruising, redness, or any discoloration and I did not so we were good to go!  The office I went to uses a Gentlelase machine and it was wonderful! *so far..I obviously haven’t seen the full results yet since I have only had one treatment*
The technician made me feel super comfortable.  She was very nice and professional.  As long as I like the results, I will buy sessions with her for other areas at the regular price.  The most painful area for me was near my ankle and that wasn’t even like super bad just a little shocking.  She did inform me that she had the laser on a lower level just to make sure it didn’t burn me since it was my first time with laser hair removal. 

After she completed the front and back of the legs I got my things and went back to work.  My legs felt rejuvenated after the appointment so I’m not sure if that is a side effect or just something that happened.  I didn’t feel anything weird. I went to work just fine after.  When I got home, I applied aloe gel to my legs and let that soak in.  I was worried about shaving or exfoliating after the laser since I didn’t want to mess my skin up, so I waited a day or two after the appointment to shave.  
As I am writing this, it has been a week and three days since my treatment.  I haven’t noticed much difference with the hair growth.  I’m currently still waiting for the hairs to fall out.  My next appointment is in November so I can’t wait to see what my results are. I will keep you posted on the adventures with hair removal :)
Immediately after the treatment
8 hours after the treatment

12 hours after the treatment

1 week after the treatment

Saturday, October 13, 2012

New beginnings

Hello World.

My name is Jessica and I will really enjoy working on this blog.  I'm 24 years old and I live in Austin, TX.  This blog will be about all things health and beauty related. I'm aware there are thousands, if not millions of blogs pertaining to the same subject but I will strive to make this blog about products that normal women can buy.  No fancy schmancy products that cost $100+ a pop--just items you can get at most retailers.

I also plan on having a few posts where I try the "latest and greatest" pins from Pinterest.

You can find my Pinterest here..

I can't wait to get started.   I have been working on my first blog post relating to this subject and I hope to get it online tonight!